Sunday, August 22, 2010

13 Things Summer Reflection

Wordle: Untitled

Thanks for dropping in and reading along. Did this turn out to be what you expected when you started? Have you discovered anything new that could be helpful in your day-to-day activities? How did you feel about "self-discovering" as opposed to coming to a workshop (bound by time and date)?

I've enjoyed trying some technical things this summer without being in a workshop where others may catch on faster than I do. Take your time. Work at your own pace. Savor the process. Ask for help when you need it. Let the tools work for you to fill your college days with social networking.

Up the Wall?

Sometimes you may feel like you are running in circles or even running up a wall like this guy,
but if you stay on track and keep practicing your speech ideas, you will succeed and land on your feet.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rockin' Robin Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!

Yes, the Speaking Center is continuing to add ways to talk with you all. Follow our twitter account (click the blue bird at the right column of this blog) and get our most recent tweets.   Stay informed of our workshops, study breaks and open houses!

RSS Feeds

Have you found yourself wasting time by searching for your favorite websites to check them daily? You can speed up the process and save time for other things by creating RSS Feeds on Google Reader or Bloglines. Simply create an account and start adding websites that have RSS feeds. Having them all in one place may encourage your reading of a daily paper, and increase your tech savvy smartness quotient.

Google Reader in Plain English

Creative Commons and Copyright

Copyright infringement is a big deal. Plagiarism is a big deal. Creating your own work is a big deal. Especially in college. If you mess up, you could fail an assignment, fail a course, or be removed from your institution.  However, Creative Commons is a new non-profit trying to help people to share and collaborate their work with others.  For example, if you are looking for a perfect image for your PowerPoint presentation, you may find a shareable image.  Check out Creative Commons, but be careful.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Library Thing

The Speaking Center has created a booklist of good reads for the speech enthusiast.  Check out some of these books to boost your communication savvy.  The Library Thing is actually a very easy book catalogueing tool to keep track of your own reading, books you'd like to read, or recommend to others. This could be a useful tool as you develop your major and want to build your own library of resource books. I'm not sure if your professor will have one on moodle, but you could add a tab like this to your facebook site to let others know what you are reading. 

Some hints to handle nervousness from former public speaking students

The Fall 2009 public speaking students created a few videos to help future classmates as they learned to become better public speakers.

Classroom video projects are a way to embed experiential or service-learning activities into any course. Creating a video to share with others is a great way to share learning with other sections or classes.

Theories Used in Public Speaking