Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dragon Dictation

Hello all! I can defiantly say my experience with testing out Dragon Dictation was...mixed. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to experiment with different apps but things didn't go exactly as planned.

I decided that the perfect class to investigate Dragon Dictation was during my First Year Seminar (FYS). While I'm very fortunate to have professors who didn't seem to mind being recorded, make sure that your instructor is aware ahead of time, as some professors have qualms about being recorded in general.

However, the most disappointing part of Dragon Dictation is the strings attached to the free app. If you're Arantxa, who goes to Ginormous State University and attend classes in large lecture halls, this app is for you. Dragon Dictation produces the best results when the professor is speaking through a mike pack, as the app instructions suggest. My results gave me garbled notes.

Stupidity on my part caused the second problem. I should have gone to Computer Services and addressed internet connection issues. The app kept timing out of the network making the the app nearly useless.

Next week, while I sort out IPad issues, I'll post a classic political speech that's a favorite of mine!


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